Thursday 28 June 2018


Now we are well into the birding doldrum months it's not surprising I am struggling to get any decent birding shots locally.Despite going out several times in all this heat the only shots I've managed were of a Blackcap and the Marsh Lane Whooper Swan.

Usually at this time of year I satisfy my desire to get some decent bird shots by going after Hobbies and Spotted Flycatchers both cracking Summer visitors that you can find locally at this time of year.However not this time of year for me.I haven't been able to find any Spotted Flycatchers at any of my usual safe local spots and I haven't even seen let alone shoot a Hobby.

To cheer myself up I've posted some shots taken a year or two ago.These Hobby shots were taken all locally.

Here are a few of my favourite Spotted Flycatcher shots again all taken locally.

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