Monday 25 April 2011

Blimey!! A Grasshopper Warbler showing off.

I was very lucky today as I very nearly decided not to go out with the camera but I thought sod it let's do it.So I went over to Brandon Marsh.

I'm very glad I did it because on the corner of the path by the golf course at about 9.00AM a Grasshopper Warbler was reeling out on the marsh very close by at the base of a small tree.For the next hour me and four other birders were treated to this beauty often coming out into the open and reeling out for all it's worth.Lots of shots taken so there'll be loads of Gropper shots on the net tonight.

Never seen one do this before.They usually skulk around low down out of site for me so this was a real treat.


Dave Shakespeare said...

Superb! I was unsure of what was meant by "reeling" so i had a little listen to its song on one of my iphone apps. Understand fully now, definately an old fly fishing reel :-)

Was gonna go birding myself today, after a great day at Titchwell Friday, but got laid up with an attack of gout instead :-(

Max Silverman said...

Cheers Dave.Lay off the port!!!!