Saturday, 1 September 2012

Another visit to Grimley.

On Friday morning I decided to go over to Grimley again to see if the Great White Egret was still there and if so to try and get some better shots than last time.This would not be difficult because my previous shots were pretty poor because the Egret was too far away for my lens.

Got there just after 10.00AM and soon spotted the Egret.It was a little closer but still a long way off and when I walked down the path a little it flew off to land much further away in it's usual spot by the end of the second pond.

Chatting to a couple of photographers later who had tried several times to get decent shots said it was a very nervous bird and the only way to get a decent shot was to get there at dawn settle yourself down along the bank on the left and cover yourself in camouflage and be prepared to wait till it's dark.I've got no chance then as I get fed up in one spot after 10 minutes unless something is happening.This is all I got but better than last time.

Had loads of fun later when a lone Hobby turned up and zoomed around for an hour.The trouble was he was zooming in the distance and when it did come closer it always was with the sun behind it.Still great fun trying for shots.

1 comment:

Marc Heath said...

A good morning by the looks of it, nice shots.