Friday, 4 September 2015


Down at Marsh Lane when you get into September you have a decent chance of seeing Hobbies feeding up before they fly off to Africa for the winter.So having seen one last Wednesday I went over to Marsh Lane lunchtime to try my luck again.

It was pretty gloomy and what sun there had been had gone so not good for dragonflies and not good for getting decent shots.I spotted one as I walked to the causeway but it disappeared near the river hide so I headed there and waited fingers crossed.

I only had to wait 20 minutes before  one showed quite well but it kept perching at the back of the oak tree near the wood pile out of site.You had to wait patiently for it to show and hope it came in range.

I then got conned when two suddenly flew out of the tree one flew right and the other flew left.Dithering about which one to follow I managed to lose them both and never saw them again.

On the way back to the car park I checked both causeway hides and in the southern one I was chuffed to spot a Kingfisher sitting in a gloomy bush.Don't have many chances to get shots of a Marsh Lane Kingfisher.The photographers curse got me however when I tried to get some shots which in this case it was a leaf exactly in the wrong place.

If you waited for the wind to strengthen the leaf would shift a bit and you could get a clean shot.Not the greatest shots but great to see one perched at Marsh Lane.

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