Tuesday 3 July 2018


Followers of this blog know one of my favourite birds is a Spotted Flycatcher and each year from June on wards I check out several local spots to see them and try for more shots.This year however I have drawn a blank and not found any.

So this morning as I visited one of these spots (The NT property at Baddesley Clinton) for the umpteenth time this year I was not at all confident of seeing one.As I stood in the area I had found a pair last year a Nuthatch appeared close by and of course I went for some shots. Didn't do too well but nice to see.

As I was still chasing the Nuthatch a small bird flew out of a tree and caught a fly.Surely not a Spotted Flycatcher ! ! ! I had to be patient but 10 minutes later it appeared again briefly.It was ! ! Great.

I was chuffed to bits to have found one this year but as usual there is bad news as well.I had only 3 brief glimpses of it in over an hour's stay, it's a gloomy spot and it's inside the grounds of the NT property so unless you are a member (me) it costs a lot of money to get in.

I was about to say here are my best shots but really they are all my shots.Hardly managed a shot at all and none of them keepers.

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