Tuesday 7 April 2020


Needed supplies so early this morning I shot off to the farm shop in Balsall Common again hoping it would be open again. It was. I always get there before the official opening time as it's usually empty.It was this morning so I was in and out in a couple of minutes.

On the way back I checked out the spot I had seen the Common Buzzards yesterday. One of them was perched on an electrical pylon. 

It soon flew off to join it's mate in a distant tree before again flying off presumably to find some food.

On the way back I called in at the spot I'd seen the Chiffchaff. I soon heard it calling but despite a bit of a waite it did not come close.I did manage some shots of it very high up on a distant tree.I was impressed with the shots I managed as it was so far away.These micro 4/3rd cameras keep on impressing specially if like me you have a decent 100-400 zoom lens (This equates to 200-800 lens when compared to a full frame camera) .

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