Thursday, 8 April 2010

A bit of local birding.

As it was pretty sunny on Wednesday evening I thought I'd have another go at the Marsh Lane Barn Owl.Waited till 7.15PM but it didn't show probably like me it didn't like the cold wind that was blowing.

Filled in the time waiting for it with trying to get shots of the Swallows flying round the car park.What a game that is.Here is my best shot so you can imagine what the bad ones were like.

Another sunny morning greeted me when I woke up today so off to Brandon Marsh to try for Warbler shots including the dreaded Cetti's.

Did fairly well.Got what I think are shots of a Willow Warbler just after it had taken a bath.Also got some so so shots of a Chiffchaff all the decent ones were ruined by twigs.Failed very badly with getting shots of Cetti's although I had plenty of sightings some very close but the little devils were far too quick for me.

Best spot of the day (no pun intended) was when I was in Horsetail glade when I heard a LS Woodpecker calling and as I crept nearer it turned out to be a Nuthatch.After some cursing I turned round and blow me down there was the LS Woody high up on a distant tree trunk.It didn't stay long before flying off.Don't laugh too loud at the shot I took.


kirstallcreatures said...

Lovely shots of the Willow Warbler in the treetops against a clear blue sky.

boatbirder said...

Well Done Max... At last some concrete evidence of LS Woodpecker. I've heard one several times more recently but could never pick the little fellow, or lady up!Nice to know their back in Horstail.


Max Silverman said...

Thanks guys.

Yes it's nice to know the LSW is there all I need now is a decent shot!!!!!