Monday 21 April 2014


As the weather had improved a lot since yesterday I grabbed the camera and decided to head over to Marsh Lane this morning.Got there not long after 10.00 AM and had a good look round for the next couple of hours.
I was hoping for some of the Arctic Terns that had been seen locally the day before but no luck.I did see a Wheatear on the crop field, several Sedge Warblers and a lone Reed Warbler around the reserve but alas no pics far too far away.

Just after a spot of lunch in the car park I met a birder who said he'd heard a Lesser Whitethroat along the lane earlier on.Over the years I've had loads of battles with these chaps and usually I fail very badly to see them let alone getting some shots but it's always great fun trying.

I was joined in the lane by Jeff Rankin and Pete Walkden and we spread out to see if we could find it.After a half hour I was chuffed as I relocated it hearing it's distinctive call in the hedgerow about 50m down the lane from the car park gate.

What then followed was a couple of hours trying to get some shots.Often when it went quiet we lost it completely only to hear it again a long way off.Great fun.Did finally get some of my best shots ever of one so I went home very pleased.

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