Thursday 16 April 2015


Wasn't going to go out birding today but just as I was about to go shopping in Solihull I received a text from Nic Barlow " Ring Ouzel in crop field" and plans changed immediately.I hadn't seen a Ring Ouzel for over 10 years but this year even locally they have become pretty common.

Joined half a dozen birders scanning down the crop field but it had gone out of site down a bank in the SE corner of the crop field in other words a long way off.Waited half an hour but it didn't show so I  headed off to Solihull.

After an early lunch I went over to Marsh Lane again.Had the place to myself which was not a good sign but surprise surprise I found  it along the eastern hedge line of the crop field and it was a bit closer.

Managed a few crappographs before it yet again headed back to the SE corner.Even got a flight shot which quite frankly could be anything.

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